Thursday, January 7, 2021

Hexagram 47 Keeping a Glad Mind

The forces of worldly concerns[1] and cultural conditioning shape our values, beliefs, and morals.  However, using life to the full means to get to the end of self-cherishing and to achieve the aim of living in harmony with the spirit, bringing forth its creative love into the world.[2] 

Worldly success depends upon a person’s willingness to harm others for their self-benefit and then ignore the suffering they cause.  The Way of humanity[3] depends upon creatively manifesting the Tao within the world in ways that benefit all. 

Conditioning confines us and binds us to worldly concerns because we have insufficient capacity to free ourselves from them and live the Way of humanity.  Sages, however, free themselves to fulfill their lives by gradually undoing their faults and developing their spiritual path.

The attraction of worldly concerns and cultural conditioning blocks us from adhering to the Way.  If these temptations and habitual reactions, however, only bend us without us yielding to them, this flexibility creates the inner power to creatively respond to whatever arises that in time will manifest itself. 

Sages find release from adverse situations by cultivating within their hearts and minds what benefits all through patience of spirit and by turning to the sacred realm. The wise alone can endure an adverse fate without losing their creative powers to benefit all. 

Many can practice in easy circumstances, but the resolve of most wavers when in difficulties.  The petty and selfish easily give up when things do not go their way, and they show it in their words and expression.  They complain against heaven and blame others.  Others when challenged by the entrenched nature of their conditioning fall deeply into gloom and despair. Their lack of faith in the path makes their situation only more perilous.  Some cannot bear parting from worldly concerns and may become restless and indecisive.  Others stumble yet further into the ignorance of darkness when they use force against what they want to overcome.  Some may change their minds due to pressures of making a living or illness.  The spiritual path may flag for others because of old age.  

When the wise work to transform the conditioned world, the selfish and ignorant oppress and push back on them.  Such times of adversity can lead to success for sages, however, as their inner stability allows them to withstand and respond well to the conditioned world.  They maintain a glad mind despite all danger.  Even when the world encroaches on their spirit, sages use joy to resolve their exhaustion, producing joy within the midst of danger.  They remain pleased with heaven, content with their fate, and stay on the path.   

The undeveloped and the sage differ in how they relate to their situation and how they find joy.  If difficulties only bend us, we can use the adversity we experience to develop our being. In time, we will find openings to manifest our creativity.   If the situation does not exhaust the will’s adherence to the Way of humanity, the path continues.  Even when our conditioning brings us into an impasse, the power of joy can carry us through. 

[1] Worldly concerns:  Selfish individuals seek domination over others, wealth and hoarding of resources, indulgence of their pleasures, and the attention of others.  They cause others to suffer subservience, poverty, pain, and then the selfish ignore the harm they cause others. 

[2] World does not refer to nature but to how people live within nature.  The world –  civilization, culture, economics, history, society, beliefs, worldly influences – is embedded as a subsystem within the natural system.

[3] The Way of humanity:  The path of love that creatively responds to the experiences of life in ways that benefit all.  Sages shape the energies of Creation through the virtues of love, morality, justice, and wisdom.  The sage finds happiness by obeying the command of heaven to reduce inner faults and manifest the sacred within the world.  Suffering ends when we have the lived experience that our being and the other are the same and arise from the sacred mystery.

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